Rapid Eye Reality -- Home of Brad Willis' writing on family life, travel adventures, and life inside the poker world

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Wednesday, August 29, 2001

Last Night's Dream...

I was mad. There was no question about that. Anybody watching could've seen the meltdown in my eyes, smelled it coming from ears. I was walking and hoping nobody would follow me. Then I ran into her.

From the back she looked like any other girl that might make a guest appearance in any given dream. Then she turned her head and I realized...she was Webster's definition of homely. I didn't mind. Even in REM sleep, I wasn't feeling dream-randy.

She was playing catch with her dad, like an even younger girl in my future life would. I caught her eye and offered a walking invitation. She accepted without saying anything to me or Dad. We walked for three suburban blocks (blocks that were as bland and as homely as she was) without saying a word. I watched her unbrushed hair brush itself against her shoulders, her mouth turn more and more into a frown.

When she started talking, I realized, she was as mad as I was. Maybe more. That fact made less angry. I listened but couldn't figure out exactly why she was mad. She didn't make much sense, and I only knew that the more she talked, the more I hated her dad. I forgot why I was mad and just listened, not understanding, but listening nonetheless.

We walked through that old suburb, up the street, back. She had cooled off and I had somehow fallen in love. I didn't know her name. I couldn't understand a thing she was saying. It didn't matter. I didn't care. I wasn't mad. She wasn't mad.

If only dreams weren't controlled by some sweating, angry, bored being, I could've woken up happy.

The three men slunked toward us. They weren't suburban. They were cracked sidewalks, tree-less streets, steamy manholes, and honking cabs. They were happy to be angry.

Before my sleep-riddled mind could figure out how, they were on us. Their leader--a toothey man with a stocking cap--pressed a .22 to her head. He pulled the trigger and she exploded.

I wanted to help, to put her back together, to make the men angry that they were angry. I couldn't. I ran. Toothey shot. The bullet burned into my back. I kept running, leaving the girl who was angry to be angry--and happy to be happy--all over the suburban street.

I spent the last few fitful hours of sleep dreaming of a way to convince an absetminded doctor that I needed surgery.

I woke up with the bullet still in my back.

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    Creative Commons License

Rapid Eye Reality is the personal blog of writer Brad Willis, aka Otis.
All poker stories, travelogues, food writing, parenting and marriage advice, crime stories, and other writing should be taken with a grain of salt. It is also all protected under a Creative Commons license