Saying it when I don't have time to
Now in the final days of a 16-day work marathon, I'm about to have time to think and write again. Until then, a subject that just makes me sad, courtesy of Ze Frank (note: The Kansas City jokes and TSA riff come before the part that matters).
the show with zefrank
the show with zefrank
I've been a HUGE zeFrank fan since before "the show" and watch him religously (as can be attested my love for the earth sandwich). That being said, his summation of the right of habeas corpus was chilling in its execution.
For an equally disturbing history lesson that I imagine you will find most enlightening, please visit, type "habeas corpus" into the "Search TAL" box, click the button and then listen.
You won't walk away from your computer the same man.
Dude has himself some serious anisocoria.
Look it up. Then watch again.
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