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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Goals? We don't need no stinkin' goals

So, I wasn't going to live up to my promise to report back on February by the Numbers. Failure is a bitch. Fortunately, it wasn't failure across the board. Nonetheless, I didn't do as well as I hoped. The first two weeks went really well on all fronts. Then, as usual, some things happened, I started slipping, and the end of the month was pretty much the equivalent of a blown tire on the interestate. But, for fear of breaking one more promise to myself, here are the results of my month of self improvement.

I guess I should note, all of these goals were aimed at two ends. I wanted to be healthier and I wanted to spend more quality time with my family.



Days taking a 30 minute walk (12)--FAIL--Yeah, that didn't happen at all. In the first couple of weeks, the weather didn't allow for it. By the time the weather got nice, I was pretty discouraged by the project as a whole.

Pounds lost (7)--FAIL-- This was supposed to just be a nice byproduct of all the other goals. I wanted to drop down to around 167, a weight at which I feel really comfortable. I may have lost a couple of pounds, but it was nothing to write home about.

Days not drinking (26) --FAIL -- Part of the little gut I've been putting on is due to the frequency at which I have a couple of beers. While I think I was intoxicated maybe one night in February, I had drinks on more than the four days I allowed myself. Empty calories abounded. Hence, failure.

Number of nights I go to bed before 1am (14) -- FAIL -- I got pretty close with this one. Early in the month, I racked up a number of early-to-bed nights. Then, as things got uglier, so did the insomnia, etc.


Days cooking a meal (10) -- PASS -- I knocked this one out of the park. I got my cooking groove back and cooked up some damned fine food in the month of February. I aimed for ten meals. I think I probably did 15 or so. I had only one failed meal along the way (show me to cook with rice noodles!), but the rest turned out pretty well.

Number of movies watched with my wife (6) -- FAILED -- Another one where I got pretty damned close. I think, in the end, we ended up watching an average of one movie per week. Here's what we did end up watching (with maybe onee missing...I forget):

Little Miss Sunshine (about time somebody wrote a decent comedy)
The Matador (that was really unfortunate)
Snakes on a Plane (the reason cult films have to be seen before the become cult films)
The Departed (no damned wonder why it won best pictre...holy cow, what a great flick)

Number of days I take my kid for father and son bonding time (4) -- No pass or fail on this one, because I changed it almost immediately after posting it. Instead of focusing just on father-son time, I decided to focus on family group outings. On that front, I think I did really well.


Days posting to a blog (25) --PASS-- This was aimed at making me write more. It did.

Books finished (3)--FAILED--This was aimed at making me read more. While I finished "The Making of a Chef" and almost finished "Dogrun," I didn't read nearly as much as I wanted. Fortunately, I'm going to have a lot more reading time this month and hope to make a dent in the stack of ten books I have ready to read.


Haircuts (0)
Days shaving (0)

This entire section was based on the false premise that I would make myself look like hell for a month, and as such, focus more on bettering myself. By week 2, I looked like a homeless person and resumed normal hygeine.


Days Not Going To Live Poker Games (24)--FAILED--It wasn't that I didn't want to go out to live poker games. It was simply that the more of them I went to, the less time I spent at home with the family. In the end, I did okay, hitting only six games out of 28 days. Frankly, I think I hamstrung myself a little with this one.

I've decided to redact the final two goals for a couple of reasons. Number one, you wouldn't care anyway. Number two...well, that's for me to know. Suffice it to say, I failed on the meaningless one and succeeded on the important one.


And so that is that. I'm embarassed to hit publish, but I'm going to. Yeah, that's it.


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    Creative Commons License

Rapid Eye Reality is the personal blog of writer Brad Willis, aka Otis.
All poker stories, travelogues, food writing, parenting and marriage advice, crime stories, and other writing should be taken with a grain of salt. It is also all protected under a Creative Commons license