badblood, Yeah, you're probably right on this one. 'Cept that it's do ra mi FA sol la ti and back to do (the FA is right on though). But the only reason I know that is because my first degree was in music. Which is apparently not at all obvious since you thought of this one, not me. And, to be completely honest, all I really remembered is that something didn't look quite right about the way you spelled it, and I still had to look it up for the correct spelling. Then I had flashbacks from "The Sound of Music," which is a classic, but one that I never really got into. ...but I digress.
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I was thinking, perhaps..."fa" -la-la-la-la la-la-la la to a certain Christmas tune.
Or maybe fe fi fo fum "Jack and the Beanstalk" style. Wait...there's no "fa" in there, is there?
Silly, it's do rey me FA so la tee doe. In the key of C, that'd be the note "F."
Best. Post. Ever.
Yeah, you're probably right on this one. 'Cept that it's do ra mi FA sol la ti and back to do (the FA is right on though). But the only reason I know that is because my first degree was in music. Which is apparently not at all obvious since you thought of this one, not me. And, to be completely honest, all I really remembered is that something didn't look quite right about the way you spelled it, and I still had to look it up for the correct spelling. Then I had flashbacks from "The Sound of Music," which is a classic, but one that I never really got into. ...but I digress.
Fa = The relative proximity of the rest of the world to Boston. Antonym: Neeyuh.
Is this supposed to be some sort of existential statement?
Yes! Fa! Fa LIKES Ma! Now, GO! Go Fa! Go! FA GET MA! - George C. Scott, "Day of the Dolphin", 1973 AVCO Embassy Pictures
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